The Five Pillars of a Woman’s Temple
The 5 Pillars of A Woman’s Temple is an online experience designed to help you root your priestess-hood in passion, ground it in purpose, grow it through powerful principles, and embody it in your daily practices and lifestyle priorities.
The Benefits of Taking This Journey
- Become part of an intimate circle of sister-priestesses who are committed to serving the Sacred & Wild Feminine and the restoration of Gaia.
- Identify your priestess passion, purpose, principles, priorities, and practices.
- Root your spiritual calling in a practical framework of both prayer and activism.
- Ground your priestess-hood in four directions: upward, inward, outward, and downward.
- Create a Sacred Covenant between your soul and Mother Gaia that fuels your priestess vocation, life choices, and daily lifestyle.
What This Journey Includes:
The 5 Pillars of A Woman’s Temple Recording:
This 90 minute retreat is designed to help you explore, articulate, and activate your priestess-hood in five dimensions: your passion, purpose, principles, practices, and priorities. This is your gift to keep that can be used to deepen, revise, and revisit your Sacred Covenant as your priestess-hood grows and evolves over time.
The 5 Pillars of A Woman’s Temple Field Guide:
This workbook includes handouts designed to help you explore and record your 5 Pillars while creating a sacred container and covenant with your soul as a Priestess & Earth Guardian.
How the Journey will unfold:
As soon as you make your purchase you will be able to download the 5 Pillars of A Woman’s Temple Field Guide. This includes access to the retreat recording.
How to Take Your Seat:
This course is non-refundable.
Lay the Foundation & Construct Your Temple
The 5 Pillars of A Woman’s Temple workshop & retreat was a launching off place for a deep dive. We explored the pillars that support our temples and began an inquiry in how our priestess-hood can be both a spiritual calling and a practical expression of activism in the world.
Now it is time to intentionally lay the foundation and construct our temples.
Spiral 3 is designed for women who thrive in an individualized one-to-one coaching relationship that inspires, encourages, and empowers you to create and live out your Sacred Covenant at every level of your being (body, mind, heart, soul, and womb).
Spiral Three: The Steerswoman’s Journey. This unique, tailored coaching package is a deep-dive into the calling of your soul, your core values and the profound promise of your Great Work in the world. You’ll be inspired, encouraged and empowered to fully integrate the wisdom sourced from the previous two cycles of embodied feminine learning, so that you can create the life you long for; in your work, family life, health, relationships and authentic expression in the world.
$375.00 (5 sessions within a 3 month seasonal journey)
© Edveeje Fairchild, 2020
All rights reserved. Other than for fair use purposes, no part of this material may be reproduced or stored by any mechanical, photographic or electronic process without seeking permission and including the author’s name and copyright.