Gaia Codex Book Club
A Novel and Ancient Wisdom Text Revealed.

Hosted by Edveeje Fairchild
with author Sarah Drew & Clare Dubois, Founder of TreeSisters
Gaia Codex reveals a world long forgotten and the secret wisdom of an ancient lineage of women through the ages. Set in a near future of impending societal and environmental collapse, the novel is a tale of hope and remembrance. Written as fiction, Gaia Codex speaks to urgent truths of our times. Humanity is at a critical turning point and we must change our relationship to our Mother Earth, transform the cultures we live in and redefine what it is to be human.
“A blend of Avatar, The Red Tent, and The Mists of Avalon, it reads like a movie.“
~ Catherine Scherwenka, ONENESS International
Join a sacred sisterhood as we Unlock the Secrets of the Gaia Codex and plant thousands of trees in the world’s rainforests. (50% of book club profits will go directly to TreeSisters.)

“This post-apocalyptic tapestry of a tale, woven with lush language and ornate imagery, offers the possibility of metamorphosis, the chance for redemption, and the promise of what can happen when we stop harming the natural world and start nourishing it instead.“
Dr. Lissa Rankin, MD, New York Times bestselling author of Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself
The Benefits of Taking This Journey

“There are books that touch you and inspire you and then there is a sacred text like Gaia Codex that literally alchemizes who you know yourself to be.”
Amy Elizabeth Fox CEO and Founder, Mobius Executive Leadership
- Reconnect to our living planet Earth and feminine wisdom
- Understand the role and power of the feminine and its relationship to the Earth
- Become more aware of your true nature and awaken your imagination
- Fully claim and activate your feminine wisdom and power on behalf of Gaia
- Deepen your love of our living planet and commit to the great work of our times
What the Journey Includes

During this five-week journey, Edveeje hosts the author, Sarah Drew, for Weeks One, Three, Four and Five. Clare Dubois, founder of TreeSisters, joins us for Weeks Two and Five.
5 Recorded Retreats
That include a lively discussion of the book, a guided meditation, journaling prompts, and sharing from other women taking this journey.
Special Feature
Sarah will personally guide us through a Gaia Codex meditation in each of her live sessions.
How the Journey Will Unfold

In this five-week book club we will unlock the secrets of Gaia Codex as we explore and unpack its teachings in a way that inspires us to step into our own nature-based feminine wisdom.
Week One: The Evolutionary Feminine (with Sarah Drew)
We are at the moment of profound revelation and evolution. Gaia Codex is the catalyst for a movement of individuals, women and men, who are in the upswell of remembering that Now is our Time to reclaim our reconnection to the deep rooted legacy and traditions of the Sacred Feminine and the Wisdom of Mother Earth.
In Session One we will be covering Part I: Beginnings and Endings, p. 1 and Part II: Old Woman, p.56 / pages 1-80). For Kindle and Audible users we will cover chapters 1 through 18.
Week Two: Remembering the Future (with Clare Dubois)
There is a calling revealed within the blueprints of our soul and in our collective remembrance, vision and knowing that the fate of humanity is not destined to war, despair and destruction but that we can create a thriving, abundant nourishing life that considers the sanctity and honor of all beings.
In Session Two, we will be covering Part III: Delphi, p. 102 and Part IV: Chateau Lumiere, p. 134 / pages 80-160. For Kindle and Audible users we will cover chapters 19 through 35.
Week Three: A Sisterhood of the Earth (with Sarah Drew)
Gaia Codex is an invitation into a sisterhood of the Earth. We are each a piece of the puzzle. We are each the creators of the Story. We are remembering together, and it is time to share our stories, download our wisdom, and activate our personal codes on behalf of the Earth.
In Session Three, we will be covering Part IV: Chateau Lumiere / pages 160-220. For Kindle and Audible users we will cover chapters 36 through 48.
Week Four: The Feminine Revolution (with Sarah Drew)
Gaia Codex is a living system, a means of deep revelation rooted in the journey of human evolution, the four-billion-year-old wisdom of our Mother Earth, and the Ancient Wisdom Traditions of the Sacred Feminine in her many forms. These teachings catalyze both our individual soul’s evolution and our collective destiny as women and as humans, as we reconnect to wisdom long forgotten and create the foundations for generations to come.
In Session Four. we will be covering Part V: Amazonia, p. 258 and Part VI: Gaia, p.306 / pages 240-320. For Kindle and Audible users we will cover chapters 49 through 70.
Bonus Week: Circles within Circles (with Sarah Drew & Clare Dubois)
In this retreat we explore and activate our deepest longings and desires for ourselves, our souls, the sisterhood, and our service to Gaia.
How to Take Your Seat

“This book is tender and potent medicine for these times. Every woman and girl should read it….”
~ Nina Simons, President and Co-founder of Bioneers
This course is non-refundable.
You will need to order your book separately from purchasing the program. See the link below regarding how to purchase.
This book club is inspired by the book Gaia Codex by Sarah Drew. It is highly recommended that you purchase the book and begin reading before our first session with Sarah. To learn more about Gaia Codex click here. To Purchase the Gaia Codex, please click here. (Available in paperback, Kindle and Audible)
50% of the book club profits will go directly to TreeSisters as we collectively respond to the Gaia Codex invitation and “walk the Earth as Her living embodiment, sustaining and rejuvenating life.”

Applause for Gaia Codex

“The Gaia Codex is a magical tale of humanity’s metamorphosis — the evolution of our worldview and our DNA. Sarah Drew has created a beautiful story filled with powerful teachings and positive visions of our future evolution that are relevant for our time. The book weaves together the ancient wisdom of Earth Honoring cultures, the laws of nature, and the present day realities of our planetary crisis. It is a story of the rise of the feminine!”
“I literally stayed awake for over twenty-four hours mesmerized and transported by its poetry, magic and beauty. It’s a book that sources its wisdom far beyond time and space and yet it’s a book written precisely for this moment in time. I’ve given it to everyone in my circle and all have been transported by the story, reminded of their own essential nature, and called into something higher and wider than the visible life in which they partake… Don’t miss this stunning offering by Seer and Mystic Sarah Drew. The time is urgent. The code is calling to you. The moment is now.”
“Gaia Codex bears the ring of truth disguised as fiction. As many more become aware of our true nature, of the interconnectedness of all things, and of the illusion of form to which we have attached ourselves, it feels plausible to think that, like Sophia, we might all shimmer with energy, communicate telepathically, see the future, read the past, remember past lives and recognize reincarnated souls, and find hope in the Divine Feminine.”
“Gaia Codex transmits the divine feminine archetype in greater dimensionality and with a sensual and relational sweetness I’ve rarely encountered elsewhere. A joy to read, it offers nectar in the form of remembering all the power, capacity, and grace that lies within our embodied female capabilities, and that are but a fractal of the consciousness that permeate our Mother Earth, herself.”
“Gaia Codex is an exquisite novel transmitted as a long-forgotten text and incantation reconnecting us to our living Mother planet and feminine wisdom, while opening our hearts and minds to different ways of knowing and ancient memories.”
Do You Remember?

“Deep within we have a remembrance of our ancient lineages as women and as wisdom bearers, as Priestesses of the Sacred, and as Guardians of our Mother Earth. As women we are holders and activators of the Arts and Teachings, Wisdom that sustains and flows through the ages, the building blocks for cultures that are in harmony with the Earth. Ours is a multi-generational sisterhood that rises up when civilizations are ready to once more be born anew. We are many and we are one. This is a path of both our individual and collective awakening, Medicine for these extraordinary times.”
Sarah Drew, author of Gaia Codex
This course is non-refundable.
About Sarah Drew

“Sarah Drew is a beautiful and powerful leader, author, and resource for the integrity, healing and survival of our planet. Her novel, Gaia Codex, reveals the teachings of ancient feminine wisdom & the 4.6 billion year old technology of this planet. Everything we need is here.”
Laura Margosian
Photo Credit: Heather Rhodes | Studio Petronella
Sarah Drew is a powerful speaker and teacher who illuminates many of the touchstone issues of our time: the rise of the feminine, the evolution of consciousness, and the creation of regenerative culture in the midst of climatic global change.
Past venues have included keynotes at Google Talks, ABC Deepak Homebase in NYC, Bioneers, Assemblage NYC, as well as guest teaching at the graduate level.
Sarah is a frequent guest on global podcasts and online symposiums that explore the rising feminine and emergent culture; evolutionary consciousness and technologies; and the power of story to illuminate consciousness and shape our creation of the future.
About Clare Dubois

Clare Dubois is the founder and CEO of, a global women’s movement spanning multiple countries, that has collectively funded the planting of over 12 million trees. TreeSisters is a social change movement and a tropical reforestation organization working towards normalizing cultural reciprocity with nature.
The aim of both Clare and TreeSisters is to make it as normal to give back to nature as it currently is to take nature for granted, while supporting humanity in its transition from a consumer species to a restorer species. Before founding TreeSisters, Clare worked internationally for over two decades, coaching business leaders and facilitating group behavior change processes in multiple sectors.
Known for her direct, catalytic energy, her inspirational speaking and her holistic approach to collective transformation, Clare is a walking invitation to anyone ready to step up and step in on behalf of the planet.
Gaia Codex is the creative and intellectual property of Sarah Drew. This online book club is offered with her permission, involvement, and deep blessing that we all rise rooted together. This book club launches A Woman’s Nature School 2021 Book Club Series.
When you register for the Gaia Codex Book Club you give permission for your email to be shared with both TreeSisters and Sarah Drew. You may opt out of these lists at any time you choose.
A Woman’s Nature School (and its book clubs) are designed specifically for women.