
As teenagers we sensed our vocations were intended to be more than a job that paid the bills. We looked at the land of the living dead all around us and swore we wouldn’t end up like them. We knew we were born to make big circles, and even larger splashes, in the world. We wanted to matter. We wanted to make a difference.

We each came into the world to have a passionate and inspired conversation with it, and yet for so many, careers become only a means to a financial end. Unless of course we are lucky enough to wake up one Monday, mortgage and credit card debt in tow, weighed down by a sense of dread, and decide that we want more from life.


I believe we each have a guiding voice, our soul, whispering to us from the cradle to the grave that we are unique and that we have a destiny that awaits us. Life is the sacred and wild pilgrimage to the heart of our soul’s code; a summons to make our soul visible in the world. Our vocations are meant to be heart-fueled vehicles through which we have a passionate and inspired conversation with those around us.

David Whyte, author of Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as Pilgrimage of Identity, suggests that “life is a creative, intimate and unpredictable conversation if it is nothing else, spoken or unspoken, and our life and our work are both the result of the particular way we hold that passionate conversation.”

I believe conversations shape and change the world. Our souls are alchemized, transformed, and re-created through deep and meaningful conversation, which is why we long for an anam cara, a wise soul-friend, with whom we can share our deepest selves and our longings. We sense if we could only articulate the great dream at the core of our souls to someone who truly understood, we might be able to live our way into it. And we are not wrong about that.

How do we begin such a bone-deep and intimate conversation with ourselves and the world? As David Whyte says, we can only cross the unknown sea of our lives and vocations with the fiery passion, boldness and courage of a ship captain. Each day we take one action, have one conversation, that steers and moves us toward our destinies.  

I am passionate about having inspired conversations with women who want to create soul-infused lives and joy-filled businesses as we make our souls visible in the world. This is the conversation I came into the world to have and as a teenager I knew it. I have lived my entire professional life in those widening circles soaring with soul and I know what it is to cross the unknown sea, again and again.

If you want an in-depth soul safari that accesses your soul and your nature-based feminine wisdom as we transform and root your daily lifestyle in Nature, Soul Conversations is a personal coaching package in which, week by week, we delve into the heart of your soul calling. You can book single, monthly, or seasonal packages with me.

An intimate sharing from the former TreeSisters’ Director of Communications, Sophie Jane Mortimer, about her Nature-based Feminine Leadership coaching experience with Edveeje