Soul Safari
Mapping a Cosmology of Women

“What is it to be a woman, in the 21st century,
on the living planet Earth,
in the Universe as we now understand it?”
This is the burning question that, like a chariot, has carried me across the cosmos of my life. It is the fiery core and the essence of my modern-day quest to retrieve the Holy Grail on behalf of women in the twenty-first century.
At the core of this fiery quest is a second, but very personal and transformative question: How can your deep passions and desires meet the world’s deep needs as you become a steward responsible for the total well-being (body, mind, heart, spirit) of yourself and our living planet Earth?
This book goes both deep and wide and was written as the completion requirement of my Master’s degree in Education. Written from the perspective of both a student and a teacher, it explores how the integration of psychology, faith, feminism, and ecology can create a philosophical and educational framework of restorative stewardship that empowers women to re-create their lives on four relational planes:
(Spirit/the Creator)
(Earth/the More-than-Human Community)
If you are a woman who longs to become her fullest and most authentic self, while living in communion with our living planet Earth and your own soul, I invite you to take the journey I once took through the pages of this Soul Safari. Nothing short of this soul-centric soul safari will lead to an embodied and loving relationship of wholeness, well-being, and joy between Woman and Earth.