
Your Inner Wise Women Council:

A Nature-Based Feminine Wisdom Journey

At the core of our feminine being is an ancient and archetypal wisdom that seeks to guide us into the fullness of our destiny and calling.  This core of our being also connects us directly to the wisdom of Nature.

Over the course of this year-long journey, which is designed to begin in autumn, we will meet and connect with four feminine archetypes who are present within each of us: The Midwife, the Wise Woman, the Mistress, and the Wild Woman.

Each archetype is also directly connected to a season, a phase of the Moon, the tides and one of the four menstrual phases we experience each month. Over the course of the next four seasons – ideally beginning in autumn – we will meet and become intimate with that season’s guide as we journey into the wisdom of our wombscapes and listen to what our Inner Wise Women Council has to say about our soul callings, our deepest dreams, and our longing to become more fully the women we know we were always destined to be.

The Benefits of Taking This Journey

  • Become more emotionally aligned with joy as a daily experience
  • Plug directly into Nature’s wisdom as a source of soul guidance
  • Create a healthy and natural physical rhythm that energizes you
  • Cultivate an ability to listen to your soul’s guidance through the tracking of your monthly cycle
  • Capitalize on your natural capacities throughout your cycle to optimize your productivity and schedule
  • Deepen your understanding of – and connection to – your soul calling
  • Understand and begin to minimize your monthly pms symptoms
  • Join a sisterhood who will support and encourage you to live your most authentic life based in your own womb-centric wisdom

Over the Course of this  Journey We Will Explore:


The Midwife & the Summons to Let Go

  • Meet the Midwife of Your Soul – The Midwife is the first guide in the journey through our wombscapes. Follow her enchanting invitation to become more by distilling down to your soul essence. The Midwife’s mystical summons is for us to slow down and let go of all that does not belong so that we might grow into our expanded self.
  • Embody the Sun, Moon, Seasons & Tides – The Midwife takes us on a journey through autumn’s landscape as we listen for the summons from the waning moon and allow ourselves to become as empty as the ebbing tide. In this session, we will explore the creative potential of the pre-menstrual phase of our cycle and invite the Midwife to help alchemize any monthly pre-menstrual symptoms we may experience.
  • Follow the Wisdom of La Luna: The Waning Moon in You
    Like a cosmic life-coach, each month the Moon invites us into a rhythm of visioning and dreaming, planning and gestating, emergence and growth, action and manifestation, reflection and rest.

Each phase of the Moon coaches us in the art of living; inviting us into a more feminine way of planning and organizing our lives according to Nature’s rhythms and cycles. The Wisdom of La Luna will show us how to create a magnum opus from our lives, one moon phase at a time. The Waning Moon will show us the wisdom in letting go on a monthly basis in order to realign our lives True North.


The Wise Woman & the Summons to Rest

  • Meet the Wise Woman of Your Soul – The Wise Woman is the second guide in the journey through our wombscapes. She knows most modern women are exhausted, overwhelmed, busy, and therefore often sick, depressed, and fatigued. The Wise Woman’s summons is a modern invitation into an ancient practice grounded in the wisdom of rest as the source of all our action.
  • Embody the Sun, Moon, Seasons & Tides – The Wise Woman takes us on a journey through winter’s landscape as we listen for the summons from the dark of the moon to re-imagine and re-vision our lives. The Wise Woman is the highly intuitive, winter womb-space in which women metaphorically go up into the mountains to vision, dream, presence and gestate new worlds. In this session, we will become as still and empty as low tide as we tap into our inner oracle who resides at the center of our womb-cave and is most present at our monthly bleed time. 
  • Follow the Wisdom of La Luna: The New Moon in You
    Like a cosmic life-coach, each month the Moon invites us into a rhythm of visioning and dreaming, planning and gestating, emergence and growth, action and manifestation, reflection and rest. The New Moon phase invites us into a more feminine way of planning and organizing our lives according to our souls’ deepest vision and longings.


The Mistress & the Summons to Creative Gestation

  • Meet the Mistress of Your Soul – The Mistress is our third guide in the journey through our wombscapes. As a “woman unto herself” the Inner Mistress knows a woman’s physical body is deeply embedded within the Earth and the Earth is deeply embedded within a woman’s body. Self-care is Earth-care and vice versa. In this session we will learn the sensuous language of the Feminine Principle as we gestate our deepest creative longings. The Inner Mistress knows following our creative attractions is the means by which we begin manifesting a life of deep joy.
  • Embody the Sun, Moon, Seasons & Tides – The Mistress takes us on a journey through spring’s landscape as we listen for the summons from the waxing moon and allow ourselves to become as powerful as a rising tide. In this session we will explore our monthly cycle through the lens of how we can become the powerful, productive, and passionate women we know ourselves to be.
  • Follow the Wisdom of La Luna: The Waxing Moon in You
    Like a cosmic life-coach, each month the Moon invites us into a rhythm of visioning and dreaming, planning and gestating, emergence and growth, action and manifestation, reflection and rest.  The Waxing Moon is an invitation to nurture our deepest longings and desires as we channel our creative energies to manifest the life of our dreams.


The Wild Woman & the Summons to Rebirth

  • Meet the Wild Woman of Your Soul – The Wild Woman is the fourth guide in the journey through our wombscapes. She is the instinctual feminine found within all women. She invites us into a deeper and more direct connection with Nature as the source of what we long to birth into the world. In this session, we will explore the power of place and how to inhabit our souls’ unique niche in the world and in the more-than-human community. 
  • Embody the Sun, Moon, Seasons & Tides – The Wild Woman takes us on a journey through summer’s landscape as we listen for the summons from the Full Moon and experience ourselves as pregnant with our deepest desires and fullest possibilities. The Wild Woman invites us to grow fierce and as wild as the high tide in the name of rebirthing ourselves and our world. In this session, we will take the brakes off as we identify and make a commitment to the “YES!” that has been summoning us throughout the journey. 
  • Follow the Wisdom of La Luna: The Full Moon in You
    Like a cosmic life-coach, each month the Moon invites us into a rhythm of visioning and dreaming, planning and gestating, emergence and growth, action and manifestation, reflection and rest.  The Full Moon is a time of full manifestation based in the vision we received at the New Moon. It is an invitation to put appreciation, gratitude and joy at the center of our night sky.

This course was originally designed to begin at the first dark of the moon in Autumn. We recommend you follow it in seasonal order but it is not required. Each season includes three retreats designed to listen to at (or close to) the Dark of the Moon (beginning with the one closest to that season’s equinox or solstice).

What this Journey includes:

Your Inner Wise Women Council Field Guide:

The core teachings of Your Inner Wise Women Council are designed to be embodied and experienced in a woman’s daily life, which is why Edveeje created a field guide that includes handouts and inspirational writing designed to help you apply the wisdom of each of your inner wise women and the nature-based wisdom they embody.

Each Retreat Includes

  • An archetypal teaching to give context to the wombscape journey
  • A Guided Visualization to access your soul’s wisdom
  • Some Womb-centric & Nature-based Wisdom Prompts that will help us access the wisdom of our wise women for the upcoming month’s journey
  • Each archetype has three tasks we will explore together in our monthly sessions: a soul-centric task, a nature-centric task, and a womb-centric task

Membership in WILDE: Wise, Instinctual, Luminous Daughters of Earth Facebook Circle

Edveeje hosts an on-going sacred circle in which we can all experience a deeper connection with one another as we take this collective journey into our nature-based feminine wisdom. This private Facebook group is hosted by Edveeje and other wise women. It is a place you are invited to bring your questions, insights, struggles, and thoughts knowing you will be received by the sisterhood at a deep soul level.

Your Bonus Gift: Becoming The Holy Grail

During this year-long journey into the heart of your Inner Wise Women Council, you have accessed the wisdom of your womb and followed the summons of your soul into greater emotional alignment, joy, and passionate purpose. You have connected your inner nature (your womb) to outer Nature (the seasons, lunar phases, and tides).

In the process you have become the Holy Grail. Now it is time to fill you to overflowing during a two-hour on-line retreat.

Having learned to follow the wisdom of our wombs, we are now ready to play our part in the cosmic womb’s rebirthing of the Feminine Principle in our modern world.

During our two-hour retreat, we will explore how we fully embody the wisdom of a woman’s wombscapes in practical and creative ways that transform our relationship to ourselves, Nature, and our soul’s vocation in the world.

How Your Journey Will Unfold

Each season includes three retreats designed to listen to at (or close to) the Dark of the Moon (beginning with the one closest to that season’s equinox or solstice).

Upon registration and payment, you will receive a Welcome from Edveeje which includes a link to Your Inner Wise Women Field Guide.

You will also receive an invitation to join the WILDE private Facebook group where you can gather with a sacred sisterhood who are collectively embodying their feminine nature-based wisdom and leadership.

How to Take Your Seat:

This course is non-refundable.

When women invest in the wild feminine and reclaim the female body, we connect our power and light to the light within Nature and we restore the presence of the Sacred Feminine. 25% of the profits of these programs will go directly to supporting a charity that is in service of the Sacred Feminine and the restoration of Nature.

© Edveeje Fairchild, 2016, 2020

All rights reserved. Other than for fair use purposes, no part of this material may be reproduced or stored by any mechanical, photographic or electronic process without seeking permission and also including the author’s name and copyright.