
UnEarth Your Feminine Nature

A Retreat & Field Guide to A Woman’s Wombscapes

Women are reawakening to the inherent connection our wombs have to the Womb of Creation. Collectively we are tapping into the creative power held within this dynamic relationship. Nature is within our womb and we are in the womb of Nature. We are Nature and Nature is us.  We are twin flames and together we are birthing the Sacred & Wild Feminine.

Benefits of the Journey

  • Learn how to apply The Sacred & Wild Feminine concepts in practical ways that fuel your creative fire and monthly manifestation.
  • Integrate the Wild Feminine pelvic bowl teachings with your daily lifestyle and monthly menstrual cycle.
  • Sync up your pelvic bowl wisdom with the phases of the Moon as your monthly creative guide.
  • Expand The Sacred & Wild Feminine teachings into a nature-based lifestyle that plugs your womb into the wisdom of Nature and the seasons.
  • Connect your womb to the light within Nature (the Earth Soul) in order to heal your soul and the World Soul.

In This Retreat and Field Guide We Will Explore

UnEarth Your Feminine Nature Retreat is designed to introduce you to our Nature-based Feminine Wisdom model that is rooted in our pelvic bowls and menstrual cycles, sourced from the creative cycle of La Luna (the Moon), and embodied through each of the Seasons as well as five particular Earthscapes.

The retreat will also orient you to the field guide and give you an experience of how powerful it is to access your feminine wisdom through Nature, La Luna, the pelvic bowl, and our menstrual cycle.

Special Note: This retreat and field guide is an exquisite companion for two year-long journeys available through A Woman’s Nature School: Your Inner Wise Woman Council and Women are Like Trees. It is also a gorgeous next step after the 28 Day Lunar Journey with the Wild Feminine online course.

What this Journey Includes

  • A 60-minute recorded retreat that introduces you to the core principles and concepts of how to reconnect your inner nature with outer Nature.
  • UnEarth Your Feminine Nature Field Guide: This field guide is seasonally based and will guide you through a year-long journey into your soul’s nature-based and organic unfolding. 
  • Membership in the WILDE: Wise, Instinctual, Luminous Daughters of Earth Facebook Circle.

What You Can Expect

Upon registration and payment, you will receive a Welcome from Edveeje as well as a download of UnEarth Your Feminine Field Guide. The welcome message will contain the link to the retreat.

You will also receive a link and invitation to join Edveeje’s private WILDE Facebook group where you can gather with a sacred sisterhood who are collectively embodying their feminine nature-based wisdom and leadership.

You can begin this journey at any time of the year. Some ideal times include the Winter and Summer Solstices as well as the Autumn and Spring Equinoxes. The retreat will explain the field guide, which is meant to be an interaction between you and your soul’s seasonal unfolding. Season by season, month by month, the journey is designed to take you through an entire nature-based and soul-centric year using the following navigational tools:

  • Nature as a Feminine Initiatory Path: Seasonal Reflections
  • Following the Wisdom of La Luna: Moon Cycle Reflections
  • The Creative Matrix of Our Pelvic Bowls: A Pelvic Bowl Journal
  • Our Nature-Centric Wombs
    • This Month’s Moon Ride: An Inner Season Summary
    • A Monthly Menstrual Chart: Vibrational & Emotional Alignment
    • Red Tent Insights & Life Visioning Journal

    How to Take Your Seat:

    You can purchase the seasons separately or all four together.

    Includes the retreat UnEarth Your Feminine Nature and the Spring Field Guide

    Includes the retreat UnEarth Your Feminine Nature and the Summer Field Guide

    Includes the retreat UnEarth Your Feminine Nature and the Autumn Field Guide

    Includes the retreat UnEarth Your Feminine Nature and the Winter Field Guide

    Includes the retreat UnEarth Your Feminine Nature and four seasonal Field Guides.

    These courses are non-refundable.

    When women invest in the wild feminine and reclaim the female body, we connect our power and light to the light within Nature and we restore the presence of the Sacred Feminine. 25% of the profits of these programs will go directly to supporting a charity that is in service of the Sacred Feminine and the restoration of Nature.

    Wild Feminine: Finding Power, Spirit & Joy in the Female Body is the creative and intellectual property of Tami Lynn Kent. Wild Power: Discover the Power of Your Menstrual Cycle is the creative and intellectual property of Red School. Some of their teachings are presented in this online program, not only with their permission, but their blessing and deep joy that this work continues to ripple further and further out into a worldwide ocean of sisterhood.


    © Edveeje Fairchild, 2022

    All rights reserved. Other than for fair use purposes, no part of this material may be reproduced or stored by any mechanical, photographic or electronic process without seeking permission and including the author’s name and copyright.